
Strawberry Picking at Ginoza Strawberry Farms

Something that I've wanted to do since we've moved on island is go strawberry picking. I love the local strawberries and I heard that the picking experience was different here. When Mark's brother and niece were in town it was the perfect excuse to figure out how to make a reservations, which wasn't too hard once I found someone that spoke English!

Ginoza Strawberry Farm is pretty close to Camp Schwab and, luckily, they have put out lots of signs near the expressway exit to make it easy to find! You can see more photos of what the signs look like on their Facebook page. We were the only ones there, at first, so it was a little confusing trying to figure out what to do. It wasn't long before someone showed us the way, though!

After we got to the right greenhouse, we were handed some papers explaining how to pick the best strawberries. Then, the farmer told us that we were in the "unsweet" greenhouse and, after we were done indulging here, we could cross the path into the "sweet" tasting! Ow, two kinds?! Sign me up! 

When we started picking and eating them we were so confused about how these could be "unsweet." They tasted very similar to the strawberries that we'd have in the states. Sweet and delicious! However, when we ventured to the other side we were shocked about how candy-like the "sweet" strawberries tasted! There was definitely a significant difference! 

I definitely recommend trying this out if you're on island! It was definitely fun and... um... filling! Ha! We left so full that we skipped lunch. Also, they say "no buying,"  but the guy let us buy 2 plastic containers for 800 yen and gave us an extra container from strawberries picked the day before. Enjoy!

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