
Mom's Birthday Extravaganza

My mom turned 50 while I was home and we had to be sure to go big. As always in our family, it had to be a surprise! So, we got to work before I even made it back to the states. With the combination of mom not knowing and trying to keep her out of it, it was definitely a challenge! However, it all worked out and was so amazing. We couldn't have asked for it to go any better.

Friday, which was my mom's actual birthday, we headed to Bonge's. It's a great restaurant that has a gravel parking lot where everyone tailgates while waiting on their table. Then, you go in and have an amazing meal! It's a family favorite and she was happy to go, but was a little disappointed that it was the only thing that we were doing for her birthday (because the real party was a surprise). However, by the time dinner came around she was happy as ever to see her family and friends! 

"Only got 20 dollas in my pocket..." 

"Happy birthday to youuuu" 

.... and there were presents....

As much fun as we had Friday, Saturday was the big day! We had a "fun" day planned in Indianapolis with my two aunts, my sister, and me. It was really just a big distraction to keep her out of the house while the party was set up. We almost got caught because the tent people were coming early. Thank goodness that we were able to get out of the house before they pulled down the road... I literally saw them in the rearview mirror. Whew!

What was supposed to be a great day turned into a beautifully boring day. Haha! I say beautiful because mom was so bored all day and that make the surprise that much better. I assume she was waiting for a surprise around every corner, but by around 4 or 5PM she was over it.

To wrap up the trip, everyone was having a drink and watching college football. Mom was settling in and ready for the evening.... but that couldn't happen. Long story short, I made her mad and we left. It was a brilliant plan and it worked!! We headed back to the house and, before we knew it, we were well on our way to a great night of bluegrass, specialty drinks, and celebrating my amazing mom's birthday!

Aunt Connie did some crazy good decorating! 

1 comment :

  1. Great time with family and friends. Finally got to meet the girls and both of them are awesome just like the parents. Sorry I couldn't be there Saturday night, look forwaqrd to hanging with all of you again very soon. love ya Jimmy Martin


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