First, I chopped off the top. There's a thick band on the dress already so it made it an easy deconstruction. Then, I cut one of my old Buckle extra long tanks off at about 5/8th of an inch longer than where I wanted the skirt to attach.
Bathing suit top anyone? Ha! Just kidding.
When you cut the tanks, they change colors. hehe! Actually, I just forgot to take a photo.
Also, my hair is different, right? Well, the hubby left on a business trip today and I was bored. So, because the humidity in Okinawa is about 500% all summer long, I decided I needed to check out some "up-do" tutorials. I used this one today and really liked it. I have a lot of hair so my bun was huge, but that pretty much sums up my life so I decided to embrace it. Again, I was complimented a lot at the BBQ so I think it'll be a repeat (thanks ladies!!). Kate at The Small Things really knows what she's talking about with those tutorials. I will be a return "customer."
Maylee enjoying the love while you get a peek at the huge bun
love it!!!!