
The Amazing NIOSC Race: Sponsors

NIOSC is gearing up for the last event of the "season" before we break for the summer! Saturday, nine teams will be competing in The Amazing NIOSC Race and it's going to be so fun. Hopefully, the rain doesn't come down too hard and we have a great race! 

This has been "my baby" and I can't wait to see it come to life! There will most definitely be a follow up post about the results... so get excited! Also, there's one spot left. So, if you're interested it's $30/team +$5 for every member over 5 (it includes lunch & t-shirts for entire team). It's all family friendly so don't be scared about what you've seen on TV! Email niosctreasurer@gmail.com or just comment here.

Now, onto the good stuff!

I'll be sure to post some pictures of all of the goods, too!

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