
Okinawa City Industry Fair

Some very fun things have been happening around the O'Driscoll household! First of all, Mark's brother and niece arrived last Thursday. Secondly, we've been doing all kinds of exciting activities since they've been here! First up: Okinawa City Industry Fair!

I was happy to find out that there was an Okinawan festival taking place at Comprehensive Park, which is right down the street from our house on the very first, full day that Mark's family would be here. It worked out nicely because Mark and his brother set off for a big fishing trip (more on that later) and it was a BEAUTIFUL day. Kaitlyn and I (after we had delightful pedicures) happily headed for the park with the pup in tow!

I was really happy to hear Kaitlyn say that she was looking forward to it and, eventually, really enjoying it. Sometimes these festivals can be a little "weird," so I wasn't really sure what to expect. She reads some Japanese comic books so she was pretty excited to see some of the things she's read about come to life. Like these little treats in the shape of a fish - the middle was benimo, Japanese sweet potato. Yum!!

We spent the majority of the afternoon here and, when we were done walking around the festival, we enjoyed the scenic park. Maylee, who did awesome when we were in the crowd, enjoyed chasing some birds, too!

Overall, it was a great first day in Japan for Kaitlyn and I really enjoyed myself, too! The industrial fair didn't have a ton of local artists, as advertised, but it was still another interesting festival. With that said, there was an indoor portion that we couldn't check out because we had Maylee so maybe all of the artists were inside.

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